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America's Got Alien

Channel: ViuTV
Air date: 18 August 2017 - 20 October 2017

When you gaze at the stars of the night sky, you are peering into our 13.2 billion-year-old Milky Way. Do you know that the Milky Way has 100 billion planets? Have you ever wondered if there are aliens living on these planets? Follow us on our 2-week road trip - from Albuquerque to LA - to explore UFO traces in America!

Travel TV show production is our main focus and expertise. If you are looking for product placement opportunities in our upcoming shows, we'd love to hear from you!  

Partnering brands include:
Brand USA,  Delta Airlines,  Guerlain,  Zamora,  Algie,  Onebite,  Expert Medical,  Good Buy Group


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